Texas GIS Forum

Creating Accessible Location Intelligence

This talk was initially schedule to have Santaigo from CARTO. My name is Danny Sheehan and I'm filling in. Find out more about me here: nygeog.com, talk to me today or tomorrow or troll me on Twitter at @nygeog

I've worked at a few GIS positions, at AECOM and was at Columbia University's Dept. of Epidemiology for 6.5 years and recently completed a Data Science program at Columbia's Fu School for Engineering. Got a Geography Master's from Univ. Buffalo and I've used a variety of desktop platforms and web apps.


GIS is hard.

Data formats, data collection, operating systems, software updates, projection systems, .e00 files, tiger files!!! geoprocessing methods!!!! projections systems, javascript!!!!!!, python!, gdal/ogr!!! lattice dem!!!! geoJSON! topoJSON!!!


What if GIS could be easier???

At CARTO we're working towards...

...Intuative Location Intelligence

We've had some really great success with the CartoDB Editor and the CartoDB Platform.

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But now we're super stoked to announce the CARTO BUILDER and the CARTO ENGINE

Let's check out some maps!!!

Some of our remote employees in the US work at WeWork. So we decided to take a look at their locations and enrich the locations with Data Observatory data. Here's a Python GIST to get WeWork locations from their website.

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How did we create that enrich that location data?

How did we add those Widgets?

Some other maps... Pizza Month???

Baseline Foursquare Check-Ins at NYC Pizzerias on October 1st

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Now using the Engine and our API's we can also sync data with ease. I'm scraping Foursquare approximately every hour and the data is updating in the map.

Percent change in Check-Ins

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Mmmmm Pizza...


More maps (if time).

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